

Papers published in proceedings of the year 2012.

Stock G.M., Luco N., Harp E.L., Collins B.D., Reichenbach P., Frankel K., Matasci B., Carrea D., Jaboyedoff M., Oppikofer T. (2012) Quantitative rock fall hazard and risk assessment in Yosemite Valley, California, USA. In: Eberhardt E., Froese C., Turner A.K., & Leroueil S. (eds.), Landslides and engineered slopes: protecting society through improved understanding, Proceedings 11th Symposium on Landslides and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Canada, Vol. 2, 1119-1125.


Rossi M., Peruccacci S., Brunetti M.T., Marchesini I., Luciani S., Ardizzone F., Balducci V., Bianchi C., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Mondini A.C., Reichenbach P., Salvati P., Santangelo M., Bartolini D., Gariano S.L., Palladino M., Vessia G., Viero A., Antronico L., Borselli L., Deganutti A.M., Iovine G., Luino F., Parise M., Polemio M., Guzzetti F. (2012) SANF: National warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy. In: Eberhardt E., Froese C., Turner A.K., & Leroueil S. (eds.), Landslides and engineered slopes: protecting society through improved understanding, Proceedings 11th Symposium on Landslides and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Canada, Vol. 2, 1895-1899.


Gariano S.L., Iovine G.R., Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Luciani S., Bartolini D., Palladino M., Vessia G., Viero A., Vennari C., Antronico L., Deganutti A.M., Luino F., Parise M., Terranova O.G., Guzzetti F. (2012) Populating a catalogue of rainfall events that triggered shallow landslides in Italy. 86° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende, 18-20 Settembre 2012, Rendiconti Online della Società Geological Italiana, Vol. 21, 396-398.

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published on 2012/06/10 18:03:25 GMT+2 last modified 2012-06-10T18:08:17+02:00