

A research and development project of the Italian Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico for the definition and the exploitation of the geothermal potential in southern Italy. The rapporteur for the working group is Francesca Ardizzone.
Name Phone Email
Ardizzone, Francesca +39 075-5014410 Francesca [ DOT ] Ardizzone [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Cardinali, Mauro +39 075-5014412 Mauro [ DOT ] Cardinali [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Guzzetti, Fausto +39 075 501 4402 F [ DOT ] Guzzetti [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Marchesini, Ivan +39 075-5014430 Ivan [ DOT ] Marchesini [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it

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last modified 2012-01-13T20:00:50+02:00